River Island Shirt Dress (similar here & here) | Black Polo Neck | Sam Edelman Boots
Michael Kors Bag (same style here & here) | Sunglasses
Happy St Patrick’s Day from NYC!! It’s a funny one spending the day in New York. At home we always have the day off, but today I’ll be working and won’t really be able to do anything to mark the occasion (yes, I am super jealous of everyone being off at home!). I’m sure I’ll celebrate tonight though.
You know it’s funny, I always have some pangs of homesickness around this time of year. Of course there are always things I miss about home, but I think it’s harder on St. Patrick’s Day. Why? Well, I think it’s because everyone here wants to be Irish, we don’t have the day off and social media makes it look like we’re missing out on all the craic at home. But I do think being away from home makes you feel even more love and appreciation for the day and for being Irish…
Photos by Edelle Kenny
I think St. Patrick’s Day is the only national holiday that is truly marked on a global scale (the world literally goes green!). For such a small country, that’s pretty damn amazing. I can’t even begin to describe the overwhelming sense of patriotism I feel around this time of year, especially here in New York. It’s really quite sappy, but I don’t even care (if you’ve seen my Snapchat – lcscloset, you’ll have seen quite a few tricolours over the last few days).
One of absolute favs, the one and only Empire State Building, goes green and practically everyone wants to have that golden link to Ireland. It’s kinda crazy, but it’s also amazing to see how much love there is for our home country and for the Irish people. It makes me love being Irish (and Irish in New York) even more…
I hope everyone has an amazing day. Be sure to follow along on Snapchat and Instagram (@lcscloset) to see what I get up to. 🙂
Lorna x
Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Snapchat – lcscloset
1 Comment
[…] too – eeks!), and I just appreciate what a beautiful little country it is so much more. On St. Patricks Day I mentioned how I’m also more patriotic here. I’m even more proud of the massive […]