River Island Shirt (similar)| Primark Skirt (similar) | Zara Boots (similar here & here)
Similar Bag | Sunglasses
I can’t believe how many snaps and messages I got after talking about the Imposter Syndrome in my last post (my look from the Tommy Hilfiger show). Clearly I’m not alone when it comes to my imposterish feelings. When you really think about it, everyone has probably experienced the imposter syndrome at some stage and I personally think it all comes from comparing ourselves to others.
After writing my last post I went back and re-read of my key takeaways from the Inbound conference I attended last September. I honestly think this is something I need to look at a lot more just to keep myself in check. Inbound was one of (if not) the best events I’ve ever been to. I took so much away from it on both a personal and professional level, and I think going back and reminding myself of these will really help me live a more balanced and happier life. So if you can relate to the imposter syndrome, go have a look at my post on my Inbound takeaways, I think you might be able to relate to them too…
Photos by Edelle Carmel Kenny
If you compare today’s outfit post to my fashion week look, you’ll get a pretty good feel for what this winter has been like in New York. One day it’s hot (well hot for winter!) and I’m in out in just a shirt, and the next it’s -28C (Snapchat wouldn’t lie to me!) and my eyeballs hurt (because I obviously can’t wrap them in 20 layers of heat tech!). It has been a funny one but I’ve got to admit, it’s made getting blog photos a hell of a lot easier. 🙂
And I’m good with that because I got to shoot this shirt without hiding it under a coat! I absolutely loooooove this colour block shirt. I picked it up in River Island when I was home for Christmas and little gems like this and my Penneys skirt (identical one here from New Look), really do make me miss the shopping at home…
Have a great weekend and let me know if you read my Inbound post (Snapchat – lcscloset),
Lorna x
Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Snapchat – lcscloset
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