Circus by Sam Edelman Holt Boots
Happy hump day guys! I’m writing this while watching the election results and I’m just not able for it! This tweet literally sums my night up. My nerves are absolutely shot and it’s super late, but I can’t sleep so let’s take our minds off it and talk about shoes!
Yep… I’m serious! I’ve had this post about my favourite statement winter boots planned for the last two weeks and now it feels a little silly talking about shoes when there’s clearly more important things happening in the world. But I can’t watch the TV right now, so here goes.
Of all my many many pairs of black boots, there’s one pair that get all the attention – My Circus by Sam Edelman Holt Boots. I bought my first pair of these beauties 2 years ago and I loved them so much I bought a back up pair to have just in case my first pair get ruined.
This is something I always always always do with things I really love (especially with boots) and if I don’t do it, I always end up regretting it. Following on from last week’s post, I guess you could say it’s another one of my golden rules when it comes to shopping. Always buy back ups!! Trust me when I say you won’t believe how happy you’ll be when the item you love is no longer available and you have a brand new shiny one waiting to be worn.
Anyway, I’m gonna go keep biting what I have left of my nails, but I’ve shared 12 of my favourite statement winter boots below. We all need a good statement boots in our lives if you ask me.
Lorna x
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