I’m baaaaaaaack! It’s been too long – way way way too long. Can you believe it’s been a whole month since my last post? If you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat (@lcscloset), you’ll know I was traveling for a few weeks in Australia (for my brother’s wedding) and Bali. Between preparing for my trip and settling back in/recovering from the jetlag after it, I haven’t had a chance to focus on the blog (I also may have had a touch of writer’s block – never good!). I’m back now though and (hopefully) will be back to posting a lot more regularly.
What better way to come back than with a post about my wedding outfit? I have to admit that trying to find a dress for this wedding was torture. Actually, now that I think of it, trying to find a dress for my brother’s wedding last year was torture too!! It’s so hard and to be honest it caused me more stress than anything (first world problem!) – BUT now I get why you are so interested in wedding/occasion outfit posts. It takes a lot of work to find the right outfit – and hey, if someone else can do all that hard work then I’m all for it.
I have a lot of weddings this year too (still not sure if I will be able to make them all), so lesson learned – I’m going to start looking for my outfits now! When I was looking for this dress I also swore to myself that I would do more regular wedding/occasion posts. So at least once every three months you can expect a wedding outfit inspo post from me…
^ Crazy hair don’t care, thanks to the Fremantle Doctor
Now on to my dress – I had an idea of what I was looking for and sometimes when it comes to these occasions I think that’s the worst thing. I got my dress on ASOS (eventually!) and it is absolutely nothing like the dress I was looking for. The funny thing is, I had convinced myself I 100% did not want a darker coloured dress. Just look at how that worked out! In future I think I’m going to go into these things with a completely open mind and without any of idea of what I’m looking for. Maybe then it’ll be a little easier to find something!
It did work out in the end though, but I’m not exaggerating when I say this dress arrived the day before my trip! It is sold out now but there are some super similar ones available online (this one, this one or this one are definitely the most similar). I’ve shared them all in the first widget below. There are loads of fab navy lace dresses online too, so I’ve shared them and just some navy dresses in general. Navy is actually a fab colour for a wedding. I’ don’t know why I was so against it in the first place. Oh and keep scrolling for my mother’s and sisters’ dresses too – They were amazing!
Similar Dresses
Lace Navy Dresses
Navy Dresses
My mother’s dress and sister’s dress
It’s good to be back!
Lorna x
Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Snapchat – lcscloset
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