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The Boots are Back

March 25, 2013

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Hi guys,

Hope you all had a great weekend. Last week, if you remember, I spoke of how I thought spring had finally arrived, and then how I thought I may have spoken too soon. I definitely had spoken too soon. I thought I had retired my boots until autumn but I had to whip them out again over the weekend. This time I wore my tan horse bit Penneys boots with this fab Chanel inspired ASOS cardigan and a Daisy Duck casual tee from ASDA. I bought this after falling in love with a similar one Cheryl Cole wore back in her early X-Factor days. When I saw it I HAD to have it and it has proved to be a great little investment. I really do love all things Chanel but unfortunately the price range is a little out of my league. 🙁 I also wore a tan gold zip bag from Peacocks and a black chunky knit snood from Penneys. This snood is another item I thought I had put away for the summer. Finally, I wore earrings and a claw ring from The Button and Bow Factory, my Michael Kors Sportswatch, a black owl friendship bracelet from River Island and sunglasses from Penneys,

I hope you like it,

Lorna. 🙂 xx

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  • Reply Rachel Willoughby (@RachWilloughby) March 25, 2013 at 9:56 pm

    Great outfit x

    • Reply LC'sCloset March 25, 2013 at 11:52 pm

      Thanks Rach! Glad you like it! 🙂 x

  • Reply Mak Lind March 26, 2013 at 2:32 am

    Love this outfit, Lorna! Beautiful! <3


    • Reply LC'sCloset March 26, 2013 at 10:03 am

      Thank you so much Mak! 🙂 ❤

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