It’s here! My favourite season is here! Ok so truth be told, although I have always loved autumn, it has only become my favourite season since I moved to New York. I still love summer, but there is something about autumn in America that really is amazing.
I don’t quite know why I love it so much… Maybe it’s because we’ve just been through a hot sticky summer and the cooler temperatures are a welcome change (summer in New York is a struggle)? Or that we get to layer up in cosy clothes again and eat something other than salad and sushi. Maybe it’s because it’s the run up to Thanksgiving (my absolute favourite time over here) and Christmas (I do love Christmas). Or maybe it’s the amazing autumn foliage that gets me and pumpkins decorating every stoop. Or actually maybe it’s all of the above…
I mentioned on my Snapchat (username – lcscloset) that one of my favourite things about living in New York is how much the city changes with every season. It’s kinda crazy how the flower beds on the street and the flowers that line Park Ave are changed each and every season, but with every change comes the unique feel to match the time of year. It’s one of the things that make the seasons distinct and stand out.
There’s also the parks. Bryant Park is current undergoing a major facelift (the grass is gone) in preparation for the winter village and Central Park is about to welcome the Wollman Ice Rink. And this is just the tip of the iceberg! As sad as I am to see summer end when autumn comes around, I can’t help but feel excited for the run up to Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s the absolute best time of year here. Now that autumn has finally arrived, there’s a few things I have to do to make the most of the next few weeks. I’ve done them all before, but to me it just wouldn’t be autumn in New York without squeezing these in…
Photos – Aishling Browne
- Central Park – When the autumn foliage is at it’s peak, it’s truly an amazing sight. I don’t think it will ever get old. I’ll be making the trip every weekend for the next few weeks so I don’t miss out.
- The West Village and Upper East Side – The pumpkin/halloween decorated stoops are too pretty to miss (see what I mean here and here).
- The Highline – The Highline is good at anytime of the year (well maybe not in the depths of winter), but it’s at it’s prettiest in autumn for sure.
- Taconic State Parkway – Technically I just did last weekend (and didn’t snap it) but I’d totally do it again this year. This is the tree lined parkway that takes you upstate New York. When you hit it at the right time in October (the colours had just started to change last weekend), it’s absolutely incredible.
- The Halloween Dog Parade in Tompkins Square Park – A must see for any dog lover. You’ll spend the day swooning over the cutest dogs. Warning… some owners may dress up like their pets.
- The final thing I have to do this autumn is have as many pumpkin flavour things as possible. It’s not that particularly love pumpkin or anything but I never cease to be amazed at how many different foods they can put it into. My uncle reckons it’s because they have so many different pumpkins they have to get rid of them someway, which kinda makes sense to be honest. But I’m intrigued by how they all taste.
So I guess there’s a basic outline of what I’ll be up to over the next few weeks. Be sure to follow along on Snapchat and Instagram (usernames – @lcscloset) to see exactly what I get up to.
Hope you’re having a good week,
Lorna x
Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Snapchat – lcscloset
Ahh this makes me miss New York so much. I need to visit!!!
I would love to see Central Park in Autumn! Thanks for including the link to my blog – can you update my name (Browne instead of Burke)?
Aishling X