
Happy Thanksgiving

November 24, 2016
bell sleeve top

SheIn Top | Primark Skirt (similar) | Leather Boots | Kapten & Son Watch & Sunglasses

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I’m a very happy bunny right now on my favourite day of the year in America (Christmas Day is still number one but when I’m in America Thanksgiving wins!). I love the idea of having a day to reset and think about all of the amazing things we have to be thankful for. But do you know what? I am actually pretty thankful every single day as I stomp the streets of Manhattan…

Of course the things I’m most thankful for are my family and friends and my health. When I’m walking around Manhattan I’m constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have a lovely place to live, a job I love and that I can afford to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world. I really don’t have it too bad. This is something that constantly helps me put things into perspective too. On my daily travels around Manhattan I see people who literally have nothing and it just really makes me realise the important things in life.

Another thing I’m so unbelievably thankful for is my little corner of the Internet here on my blog. Today is actually my blogs birthday and with every year that passes I reflect back on how much it’s evolved and how many wonderful things it has brought my way. I started my blog 4 years ago and although I haven’t been the most consistent at times and there have definitely been days, even weeks where I felt like it may be time to move on, I’m so happy I didn’t. It has given me so many amazing opportunities and led to amazing friendships that 100% would not have happened if I didn’t have it. And for that I am truly thankful! Then of course there are you guys too…
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Photos by Steffi Lynn

I am so thankful that I have some of the most supportive readers and followers. You have no idea how much it means to me. I beam with happiness when I get a messages saying you loved a blog post or found it really relatable. I also receive messages (mainly on Snapchat) that literally blow me away with the things you say. Honestly, you have no idea how much I appreciate you taking precious time out of your day to read my posts, watch my Snapchat, engage with my posts on social media, and to send me a message. I’m also thankful that you seem to be super excited for my Christmas snaps… It’s so good to know you enjoy them and I’m not snapping away like a Christmas mad maniac over here on my own… Ok maybe I am!!

I am also beyond thankful I have family here in New York that I can spend today with. Going to spend the day with them is the reason I love it so much. I’m also thankful I can afford to go home for Christmas again this year, something I couldn’t do 2 years ago right after I moved.

Another thing I’m thankful for is that Thanksgiving heralds the arrival of Christmas so I can chat and snap about it to my hearts content now! Honestly, I could go on and on about the things I am thankful for but maybe I’ll leave it here for now and chat a little about my exciting plans for the run up to Christmas! You all know how much I love Christmas and I’m kicking off the first of my festive posts with this one here today. Doesn’t it have such a festive feel with my gorgeous deep green bell sleeve top and the festive backdrop?

This is the first of my Christmas in New York style posts for 2016 shot along my favourite street in Manhattan (at Washington Mews). Over the next few weeks I’m going to take you to some of my favourite Christmas spots around the city. I’m so excited about this, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for them if you love Christmas in New York as much as me!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving no matter where in the world you may be,

Lorna x

Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Snapchat – lcscloset

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