Similar Coat | Top | Topshop Jamie Jeans | Dorothy Perkins Boots
New Look Bag | Penneys Sunglasses | Similar Scarf
Happy Hump day guys… And happy 1st of February. It’s crazy to think we’re already one full month into 2017! It’s looking like this year is going to fly by just as fast as 2016. Today’s post is one I’ve been wanting to write for quite some time. As it’s the start of a new month and we’re still technically at the start of the year, I think it’s the perfect time to share it.
For me, the start of a new month means it’s time to set some fresh goals for the next few weeks. Yep, I set goals on monthly basis. I set yearly goals too, but we’ll get into that. This time last month I’m sure you saw more than one or two ‘Goals for 2017’ posts. I love reading these posts. I think it’s amazing and super motivating to see what other people want to conquer over the course of 12 short months. But you rarely see how people plan to make it happen and realistically achieve their goals.
I know the ways to go about achieving your goals are totally different for everyone, but for me I tend to break it down into 3 different parts. There is no one size fits all formula to this, but these super simple steps have helped me focus on what I want to happen. It’s almost like having a plan of action… And we all know when you have a plan, you’re setting yourself up for success. So who knows, maybe they’ll help 1 or 2 of you focus on one what you want to do this year too…
1. Write them down
At the start of summer 2015 I read and watched The Secret. The movie is a little airy-fairy for me to be totally honest, but it completely changed my whole mindset and outlook on life (big statement – I know). Most importantly, it made me realise the importance of setting and writing down my goals.
I think writing your goals down is essential. Personally, I have probably always had mental goals (I still do), but when you write it all down it’s just different. I don’t know if I’m making sense here, but it’s almost like writing down your goals makes them real and gives you a more tangible sense of what they are. It focuses your mind and subconsciously drives you to work towards achieving them. I know this sounds a little crazy, but trust me on this one – it works!!
2. Break them up
Every month I write down what I want to happen over the next few weeks. Essentially I set goals 13 times a year – Yearly goals at the start of the year, which I breakdown into 12 sets of monthly goals to realistically give me a chance of success.
Then I go even deeper and break my goals out by ‘Life’, ‘Blog’ and ‘Career’. For me it’s about being super focused and knowing exactly what I want from all of the different parts of me (read more about the different parts of me in this post).
To an extent I have very basic weekly goals, but these are more as a way to make sure I am as productive as I want to be (this does not always work out for me!). Goals are a work in progress and there is absolutely no way they can be achieved in a day, week or even a month. It’s about chipping away at them bit by bit and eventually one day you’ll wake up and will have done what you wanted to do. Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that…
3. Get to work
‘Dreams don’t work unless you do.’ I hate to sound all cliche with my use of quotes in this post, but achieving your goals takes a lot of hard work. Let’s take one small example here. Imagine you’re a blogger and your aim for 2017 is to grow your Instagram. How are you going to make this happen? There is only one way – You have to post and work at it every single day. Posting randomly here and there throughout the year won’t cut it!
The point I’m trying to make here is that you have to be consistently working towards achieving your goals throughout the year. Collectively all of this work, all of these little dots here and there throughout the year will eventually join together and help you get to where you want to be.
I know I make achieving your goals sound super easy, when realistically it takes A LOT of hardwork. But if you realise that it’s these small pieces of work and progress throughout the year, rather than one huge day or event that get you to where you want to be, I think you’re in a good place.
My look…
Before I go, let’s talk about my look. Today’s look is one of neutrals with little camel on camel on camel action. You probably won’t believe it, but my coat is from Penneys/Primark (BARGAIN!) and every time I wear it I get so many compliments on it. I’m pretty sure it’s no longer in store (I could be wrong) but I found a very similar one on Boohoo too. My jeans here are my latest pair of Jamie jeans from Topshop. I LOVE Topshop’s jeans and Jamie’s are my all time fav! Finally, a quick word on the newest, comfiest and favourite pair of boots in wardrobe – these new beauties from Dorothy Perkins. You can expect to see them a lot more over the next few weeks…
Hope you’re having a good week,
Lorna x
Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Snapchat – lcscloset
Great post Lorna! I’m really trying to work on my goals (and to stop procrastinating haha) and these tips actually give me some hope!! I’m going to break my goals up from month to month now!
Ah I really love the colour on you Lorna the coat and scarf are fab! But you are the ‘Queen of Coats’ ~ siobhan