Hey guys,
Yesterday (March 24th) marked the end of my first 6 months here in New York. I honestly can’t believe it! I’m already half way through my year and it’s crazy how fast the time is going.
I’ve experienced my first autumn/fall, survived my first winter, got a job, an apartment, and met some of the most amazing people along the way. Now that winter is (almost) over and spring is on the way (happy dance!), I know the next 6 months are going to go even faster!
Thinking back over the last 6 months, I’ve experienced and learned so much! New York really is the most amazing place in the world, but it teaches you some serious life lessons. So at this half way mark, I’ve decided to round up 11 of my top New York Truths to give you a glimpse of what life is really like in the city that never sleeps.
1. New York is a Very Small Place
Whether it’s the Irish community, the fashion or Marketing world or just New York in general, it may be a big city, but it’s a very small place. Everybody knows everybody here, so just meeting one person can open you up to whole a new group of friends and opportunities.
99% of my friends in New York are Irish (we just seem to attract each other), but it’s a really good thing! I’ve met some amazing people that I would never have met if it wasn’t for this little adventure and we all have the same mindset, goals and ambitions.
2. Brunch is THE Best
New York knows how to do brunch! It’s one of my favourite times of the week and every brunch I have had has been amazing (I’m planning a post real soon on my favourite brunch spots to date) but….
3. You Are Always Broke!
This city is damn expensive and no matter what you do and how little you shop (I feel like I haven’t bought anything in forever) or try to spend, it’s just impossible to ever have money.
4. Fall is Amazing!
I absolutely love summer in New York, extreme humidity and all. However, it’s nowhere near as pretty as fall. The amazing array of colours, the fab weather and being able to step out in just a light jacket all make it the best season I’ve experienced so far. Saying that, this will be the first time I will be here in real spring and after the loooooong winter we’ve had, I think I am gonna love it!!! I just need to spring to hurry up and actually get here!
5. You Develop an Unbelievable Ability To Cry Absolutely Anywhere
On the subway, strolling down Park Avenue, in Forever21 or Grand Central, at work, over a cup of coffee… the possibilities when it comes to breaking down in NYC are endless.
New York is one seriously hard place, and the bad days, when they come, can be seriously bad!! On the upside, the good days are amazing and they tend to outweigh the bad days a lot!!
6. You NEED Coffee
I didn’t drink coffee before I moved to New York and now I am very partial to a good latte (especially with a delicious Avo smash – see what I’m talking about here, here or here). No matter what you do, there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get the right amount of sleep (coffee come at me!). Somedays/mornings you just need a good caffeine fix to kickstart the day.
7. The Subway Can Ruin Your Life
Ok maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but it sure can make the morning commute pretty damn stressful. But then again, who doesn’t love waiting in the freezing cold to hop on a jam packed subway where personal space is a rare privilege? When the train eventually decides to move, it makes sure to move VEEEERY slowly! Then last thing you want to hear – “Ladies and gentlemen, we are delayed because of…” always pipes up to wish you a lovely day!
Of course there’s the flip side of falling asleep on the subway and waking up way past your stop! Definitely not a smart move.
8. Winter is Brutal
Winter really is brutal, or frigid as the Americans like to say. When I got here I point blank refused to give in and buy a winter coat and boots. One brutally cold week after Christmas made me quickly change my tune, and it was honestly the best couple of hundred dollars I’ve ever spent.
Aside from the winter necessities, you would have to be absolutely bonkers to even think about exposing any flesh. I wore ripped jeans one day that was a lot colder than expected and seriously regretted it (check out the snap above for proof). I’ve been wearing two pairs of tights since November, and if I could get away it (and my feet weren’t too squashed) I’d wear 3 pairs. Somedays you just can’t wear enough.
9. You’ll Never Be Bored… Or Stuck For Somewhere to Eat
It’s impossible to be bored in New York. Even in the depths of winter, there’s always so much to do and it’s only going to get better when spring gets into full swing!
If there’s ever the slightest chance you might feel bored, there’s always the never ending list of unbelievable restaurants to try out. Every time I tick one off my list (that I always want to go back to), I seem to add another 10!
10. You’ll Never Stop Being A Tourist
No matter how many times I pass the Empire State Building, walk through Grand Central or cross the Brooklyn Bridge, I can guarantee you I will still be snap happy. I take so many pictures every day and it just never gets old. The best feeling is walking up Fifth Avenue on a gorgeous evening. It really is one of those “is this real?” moments.
11. Anything Can Happen
The biggest thing I’ve learned in these past few months is that anything can happen here. You just never know what crazy thing you’re going to see on your way to work, when you’ll pass a movie star on the street or be sitting beside one of the actors from Orange is the New Black in a restaurant (yep these have all happened). Even when you’re feeling down you never know what’s right around the corner.
Anything really can happen in this concrete jungle. The possibilities are absolutely endless and I love it! As hard as New York is, there really is no where else I’d rather be!
If you don’t already, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Snapchat (lcscloset) to keep up to date with my next few months here in New York. They’re the two places you’ll find me most often.
I hope you’re having a great week,
Lorna x
[…] It really is so true when people say you get 4 different seasons in New York (I explained how winter here really is damn hard in my last post). 4 seasons means you need 4 completely different wardrobes, or a least outerwear for 4 different […]
[…] been here for over 6 months now (did you see my recent NYC Truths post?), and I have been doing my best to get out, explore and to eat and drink my way around the city. […]
[…] I’m all for investing in good pieces, but New York is damn expensive (as I explained in my NYC Truths post) and I really couldn’t afford to spend too much on […]
Agreed, agreed, agreed…with everything you said! Makes me miss my hometown…it is home because I lived there for 20 years!!! So glad it’s going well for you in spite of the bad days. You seem to be doing well and that’s great. I like that you are #resilientme! Summer is a fantastic time to be in NY and you’re right Fall colors there are awesome.
Thanks Donna! Glad you liked the post… New York isn’t easy but it’s definitely worth it and will ultimately make me smarter, stronger and happier I’m sure! I’m so looking forward to summer! It’s gonna be fun, fun, fun! If you have any recommendations for things to do definitely let me know 🙂
Wow sounds like you have a really good attitude and such a positive outlook!! I live in Chicago and I’m pretty sure a lot of this points going translate here (especially the personal space on the subway!! — come on people, let a girl breath!!) But anyway, I love visit NYC and it sounds like you are having a great time living there!! I just found your blog and love it! 🙂
Hi Sarah,
Thanks so much for reading and commenting! Chicago is on my list! I actually have a lot of family there so a trip is 100% needed and may I can see the similarities for myself 🙂 x
This post is incredible!! I desperately want to live and visit New York one day! In my eyes, it’s just a dream from the coffee to the subway it all just seems so much cooler than London! x
Hi Jemima,
Thanks so much for reading! It is amazing… But I have to admit I have a soft spot for London too. If I wasn’t in New York, I would 100% be in London. And if you want to live here bad enough… It will happen 🙂 x
[…] helped me secure a job in New York. I have been offered two jobs since I moved here 8 months ago (see what’s it’s really like to live in New York). The first one didn’t match the terms of my visa, but I got offered the job because I knew […]
[…] funny to think that this time last year I didn’t even drink coffee, but like I said in my New York truths post, you need coffee here. Before I left Ireland my sister did tell me I should start drinking […]
Very helpful and fun post. I really hope to move to New York myself one day 🙂
Hi Jenni,
Thanks so much for reading! You’ll make the NYC move happen for sure! You’ll love it x
[…] Erika mentioned this earlier this week too, but living in New York is hard (see what I mean in my New York Truths post)! Don’t get me wrong, it’s amazing and the good days definitely outweigh the bad, […]
[…] this time last year, to mark the end of my first 6 months in New York, I shared 11 truths of living in NYC. One year on a lot has changed and, as you can imagine, I’ve discovered a lot more about this […]
[…] (you’ll know what I mean if you’ve seen my two New York Truths posts – here and here). One major downside, as I discover this past week is the cost of healthcare. Long story […]