It’s New Year’s Eve!! I know I say this every year but seriously, where did 2016 go? As I have done for the past 3 years, today I’m taking the time to look back at my year. Like I said in last years post, I love looking back at this time of year to reflect on everything that happened. I do truly believe you need to look back every now and again to acknowledge all of the (big and little) things we achieve…
I started thinking about this post a few weeks ago and to be completely honest, I was pretty disappointed with myself. I think last year was such a big year for me, jam-packed with some major wins. So at first glance this year paled in comparison. Now I know that was CRAZY!!
Every year brings it’s achievements, and they can be good, bad, positive, or negative. For me, just because this year didn’t bring huge life changing wins doesn’t mean I didn’t achieve anything. But it was only when I looked back and revisited the goals I set myself this time last year, that I realised how much I did achieve. I had ticked off nearly every single goal off my list and managed to do even more than I imagined. Some of my goals where big goals and some were small. Some of them I achieved without realising, and others I worked my a$$ off to achieve, but damn it I did it…
Goals aside, 2016 was a success for me because I lived, I travelled, I explored new places, I got to spend time with my family, I learned, I grew. I doubted myself (as always) and thought about giving up/quitting (my blog many many times) but I persevered, I learned trust myself more and I gained confidence. Finally, I survived another year in New York and for me, that’s a pretty good achievement in itself.
So while I may not have had one major life altering win in 2016, by just living and going about my day-to-day, I did a pretty good job of achieving most of what I set out to do this time last year. And may that’s the thing – We achieve so many little things every single day (for me sometimes managing to get dressed can be an achievement) that we don’t even look at them as being important. But they are… They are what set us up to achieve our bigger goals, so really I think as long as you are learning, growing and moving forward, well then you’re doing good.
Happy New Year!! Thank you so so much for reading and following along over the last 12 months. I’m currently in London for New Year’s Eve with my sister but the second I get back I’ll be writing down all my goals for 2017 – and I’m thinking it’ll be a big one here on the blog.
Have a fab New Year’s,
Lorna x
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