So the final day of 2014 has arrived. I know I say this all the time but I really do not know where the time went. This time last year I was sitting in Sydney Harbour waiting to ring in 2014 and, to be completely honest, it feels like it was literally just yesterday. Now I’m sitting in my apartment in New York, scratching my head trying to figure out where the year went. It feels like 2014 just passed me by clouded in uncertainty as I was faced with some major life decisions. My Ph.D. had given me a sense of security for 4 years and, although I was beyond delighted to have finished, I didn’t know what move was the right one for me. I managed to figure it out (and blog) along the way though and looking back I can say 2014 was a good one. I have done so many things I always wanted to and can’t wait to do even more in 2015. So before I bid farewell to 2014, here’s a quick recap of my highlights and some of my favourite looks.
I rang in 2014 in Sydney with my sister and some (new and old) friends. It such a surreal and unbelievable experience and I honestly don’t know if I will ever be able to top it. I’m sure gonna try though. I’m in New York this year but I won’t be going to see the ball drop. I tend to avoid Times Square at the best of times (because it’s CRAAAAZY) but I definitely want to do something. There’s just so much choice though… (first world problems right?).
The picture below is definitely not the best or most flattering but it is one that makes me well up every time I look it. This was taken on February 4th 2014 about two hours after I passed my Viva. The colour had returned to my cheeks and I was officially Dr. Ruane (that still sounds so weird)! I really didn’t want this picture to be taken at the time but I’m so happy I have it to look back on now.
Not really a highlight but one of my favourite looks from the year. I wore this outfit to my little sisters Confirmation. It was also chosen as Look Magazine’s Look of the Day. I love monochrome and colour so this is just the best of both worlds.
I had an amazing summer at home in Ireland. I was finally able to attend events I was being invited to through my blog and started meeting lots of new people. June in particular was an brilliant month for so many reasons. Firstly, the weather in Ireland was amazing, which always makes me SOOOO happy. Secondly, I brought my little sister on a trip to London to visit our other sister and see One Direction at Wembley. Of course I managed to squeeze in a trip to the shops. I love London and this was the first of two trips to London during the summer. You can see some of my London looks here, here and here.
I topped off a great month with my graduation on the 19th of June. Wearing that red robe was quite a surreal experience. I have always loved wearing graduation robes (it’s such a feeling of accomplishment) but the red one was extra special. I think the best part about the day was graduating with two people who had been there all through my Ph.D. (I’d even been friends with one of them since Secondary School). It was really such an amazing day but it just went way too fast. Looking back on 2014, I think my graduation outfit was probably my favorite look of the whole year. I just love how it all came together (you can see the full post on my look HERE).
July and August were another two jam packed months. In July I made my second trip to London, went to The Galway Races (with all of my college friends – it’s our annual thing) and was the guest judge for The Newport Queen. I also finally made my decision that New York was 100% the next place for me. In August I attend my first blogger meet-up and made some trips around the beautiful Irish countryside, ticking off a few things I had on my Ireland bucket list along the way.
September was the big one! I made the move to the greatest city on earth all by myself. I was so scared as the big day approached and started asking myself what the hell was I doing?! It was definitely the best thing I have ever done. 3 months on (I can’t believe it’s already been 3 months) and I am settled, and have a job and an apartment. I am also really lucky because I have met some really amazing people I know will be friends for life.
So far I have experienced Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas in New York and I am now bracing myself for what (weather) January and February has in store for me. I can’t wait for these next few NYC months and like I said on this very day last year… I wonder where I’ll be this time next year?
2014 wasn’t perfect though. I have often received messages or comments on my photos (thanks so much for those I love hearing from you) saying I’m living the dream and have the perfect life. I have a pretty good life right now but it’s far from perfect. New York is HARD!!! It’s the most competitive city in the world and it’s impossible to stand out if you don’t know the right people… which I don’t right now. In reality I work ALOT (at least 6 days a week), survive on very little sleep and, in the very little spare time I have, I am still trying to keep LC’s Closet going to build on what I achieved so far. It’s not easy. People always say the work/life balance in New York isn’t the best and it’s true. But whenever I start to feel down I just remember that this is what I want. I have wanted to live here from the first time I stepped foot in New York way back in 2001. Yes it’s hard and challenging, but I love a challenge and I love this city. It’s where I want to be and you just never know what’s around the corner. So 2015 I’m ready for you…. come at me!!!!
Happy New Year guys! I hope it’s a very happy, healthy and prosperous one,
See you in 2015,
p.s. Be sure to join me on NYC adventure by following me on Instagram and Snapchat (usernames: lcscloset)
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[…] hope the NYE celebrations went well? As I said in my last post (see it HERE), I stayed well clear of the Times Square craziness. I’ve been a little under […]
[…] Eve!!!! Where did 2015 go? It feels like only yesterday I was sitting on my bed in New York looking back at 2014, bursting with excitement for 2015, and at the same being totally petrified about what the year […]